10 May 2011. Research Coordinator, Sunil Gunathilake, completed 25 years of service on the Primate Biology sunil  sasanki aug10 rzProgram. He also achieved the highest score (out of 140 candidates) in the National Tour Guides Training Program.

Our Research Coordinator, Sunil Gunathilake, completed his 25th year of service on the Smithsonian Primate Biology Program on 02 May 2011. Based at Polonnaruwa, he is a well know expert on primate behavior and activist in conservation and environmental education in Sri Lanka.

For the past year he had participated in a rigorous training program for Tourists Guides held by the Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management. In the recent final set of examinations he had earned the highest score achieved by anyone over several years among some 500 candidates.

The ability to excel must run in the family, as his daughter, Sasanka (age 12 years), also achieved the highest academic score in the North Central Province in the several levels of competition held in the Junior Science Olympiad. In the upcoming run-offs, Sasanka hopes to represent Sri Lanka in the international arena of competiton.