Collaborators, Students, Interns & Institutions

Win-Win Collaborations

Primates, like humans, have complex lives. It is an ambitious goal to try to unravel this complexity, and it requires the efforts of many investigators with different skills.  Special technical facilities often are not available to us in the field.  By way of achieving our goals, while at the same time assisting others, we have collaborated with many people and institutions.  This includes professional colleagues, interns, and students as well as interested volunteer laymen.  We have collaborated with the following (see the table below) professional persons and institutions by way of fulfilling the mission of the PBP in a mutually beneficial way. Many are listed as co-authors in our publications.  In addition, over 500 Earthwatch volunteers (not named here) have participated in our program of 18 years.

Name Department Institution City & Country
 Hilary Crusz  Zoology  U Peradeniya  Sri Lanka
 Don Melnick
Guy Hoelzer
Mary Ashley
 Anthropology (Genetics Laboratory)  Columbia U.  New York: USA
 Brian Keane,
Beatriz Perez-Sweeney,
Sangchantr Morales,
Douglas Pernikof
Center for Environmental Research and Conservation  Columbia U.  New York: USA
Sabine Loew,
Robert Fleischer
Biological Research (Genetics Laboratory) Smithsonian National Zoo Washington, DC: USA
Anne Baker Zoology U Maryland College Park, MD: USA
Olav Oftedal,
Lalith Jayawickrama
Lauren Milligan
Michael Powers
Biological research and Conservation (Nutrition Laboratory) Smithsonian National Zoo Washington DC: USA
Ingrid DeWit
Chintaka Batawala
Biological Science Institute of Fundamental Studies Kandy: Sri Lanka
Josef Vercruysse Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Casinoplain Gent: Belgium
Dave Gibson,
Eileen Harris
Zoology Natural History Museum London: UK
James Cheverud,
Paul Wilson
Anatomy & Neurobiology School of Medicine Washington U. St. Louis, MO: USA
Jane Phillips-Conroy,
Lisa Kohn
School of Medicine Washington U. St. Louis, MO: USA
JSM Peiris,
CB Ratnayake
Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine U. Peradeniya Peradeniya: Sri Lanka
Aravinda De Silva School of Medicine Yale U. New Haven CN: USA
Priyanie Amerasinghe,
Felix Amerasinghe
Zoology U Peradeniya Peradeniya: Sri Lanka
Deepani Jayanthe Zoology U Colombo Colombo: Sri Lanka
Fiona King Anatomy U. Cambridge Cambridge, UK
Dietmar Todt,
Sabine Vollmer,
Anja Petschauer,
Eberhard Prill
Institut fuer Verhaltensbiologie Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
 Dilrukshie Ekanayake,    Jayanthe Rajapakse,
Neil Horadagoda,
Madura Sanjeevani,
Appadurai Arulkanthan,
Tharangani Herath,
Rasika Kumarasinghe,
WRKJS Rajapaksha
Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science U Peradeniya Peradeniya: Sri Lanka
Janet Fitton Physical Anthropology U. Cambridge Cambridge, UK
Richard Stephens Program in Infectious Diseases, School of Public Health U. California Berkeley, CA: USA
Nicholas Lerche,
John Capatanio
California Regional Primate Center U. California Davis, CA: USA
Rudo Kieft Global Infectious Disease Program Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, MA: USA
David Welch,
Stephen Hadjuk
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology U. Georgia Athens, GA: USA
JP Dubey Animal Parasitic Diseases Laboratory National Institutes of Health Beltsville, MS: USA
Jinie Dela,
Amodha Ratnaayake,
Shyamal Ratnayake,
Charles Santiapillai,
Thiruni Ramanaden
Zoology U Peradeniya Peradeniya: Sri Lanka
Cyrille Barrette,
Marie France Barette,
Phillipe Caron
Biological Sciences U. Laval Quebec: Canada
Surendranie Cabral Zoology U Peradeniya Sri Lanka
Francoise Bayart Laboratoire de Psychophysiologie U. Louis Pasteur Strassbourg: France
Lisa Stevens,
Emma Brofman,
Jennifer Wilcox
Small Mammals Smithsonian National Zoo Washington, DC: USA
Anjali Watson,
Andrew Kittle,
Wilderness and Wildlife Trust Colombo: Sri Lanka
Vindiya Arachchi,
Kumari Hennayake,
Nadeeka Samarasinghe,
Kumudini Tennakoon
Biological Sciences Open U of Sri Lanka Nawala: Sri Lanka
Chandeep Corea Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society U. Colombo Colombo: Sri Lanka
 Heather Leasor  Anthropology  California State U.  Fullerton, CA: USA
 Dana Peiman,
Anna Nakaris
 Nocturnal Primates  Oxford Brookes U.  Oxford: UK
 Jennifer Volz  Microbiology  Humboldt U.  Berlin: Germany
 Bandula Wijemanne  Biological Sciences  U. Kelaniya  Kelaniya: Sri Lanka
 Pia Tarranova  GIS Laboratory  Smithsonian Institution  Washington, DC, USA
 Ashoka Dangolla  Veterinary Clinical Studies  Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. Peradeniya: Sri lanka
 Amanda Schenk  scholar  Fulbright Sri Lanka / USA
Peter Nuernberg,
Kerstin Becker
 Cologne Center for Genomics  U. Cologne Cologne: Germany
 Eunice Kairu,
Nicholas Oguge,
Genesio Karere,
Samuel Muchai,
Alfred Simiyu,
Joseph Kirate,
Nora Nijirani,
Nancy Moinde
 African Wildlife Fellowships Universities and Wildlife Research and Conservation Institute of Kenya.  Kenya
Marie Raherilalao  African Wildlife Fellowship  Wildlife Research Institute  Madagascar
Oyekunie Oyewole African Wildlife Fellowship U Nigeria Nigeria
Deborah Baranga
Kambale Saambili
African Wildlife Fellowship Uganda
Akiko Kamio Kyoto Research Institute Japan
Cheryl Butler Chemist Shell Oil Company UK
Tachibana Hiroshi Infectious Diseases Tokai U. School of Medicine Japan
Yanagi Tetsuo Inst Tropical Medicine Nagasaki U Japan